
A 2D rigid body node for rigid bodies or beams; the node has 2 displacement degrees of freedom and one rotation coordinate (rotation around z-axis: uphi). All coordinates are ODE2, used for second order differetial equations.

Additional information for NodeRigidBody2D:

  • This Node has/provides the following types = Position2D, Orientation2D, Position, Orientation, RigidBody
  • Short name for Python = Rigid2D
  • Short name for Python visualization object = VRigid2D

The item NodeRigidBody2D with type = ‘RigidBody2D’ has the following parameters:

  • name [type = String, default = ‘’]:
    node’s unique name
  • referenceCoordinates [\({\mathbf{q}}\cRef = [q_0,\,q_1,\,\psi_0]\tp\cRef\), type = Vector3D, size = 3, default = [0.,0.,0.]]:
    reference coordinates (x-pos,y-pos and rotation) of node ==> e.g. ref. coordinates for finite elements; global position of node without displacement
  • initialCoordinates [\({\mathbf{q}}\cIni = [q_0,\,q_1,\,\psi_0]\tp\cIni\), type = Vector3D, size = 3, default = [0.,0.,0.]]:
    initial displacement coordinates and angle (relative to reference coordinates)
  • initialVelocities [\(\dot {\mathbf{q}}\cIni = [\dot q_0,\,\dot q_1,\,\dot \psi_0]\tp\cIni = [v_0,\,v_1,\,\omega_2]\tp\cIni\), type = Vector3D, size = 3, default = [0.,0.,0.]]:
    initial velocity coordinates
  • visualization [type = VNodeRigidBody2D]:
    parameters for visualization of item

The item VNodeRigidBody2D has the following parameters:

  • show [type = Bool, default = True]:
    set true, if item is shown in visualization and false if it is not shown
  • drawSize [type = float, default = -1.]:
    drawing size (diameter, dimensions of underlying cube, etc.) for item; size == -1.f means that default size is used
  • color [type = Float4, size = 4, default = [-1.,-1.,-1.,-1.]]:
    Default RGBA color for nodes; 4th value is alpha-transparency; R=-1.f means, that default color is used

DESCRIPTION of NodeRigidBody2D

The following output variables are available as OutputVariableType in sensors, Get…Output() and other functions:

  • Position: \(\LU{0}{{\mathbf{p}}}\cConfig = \LU{0}{[p_0,\,p_1,\,0]}\cConfig\tp= \LU{0}{{\mathbf{u}}}\cConfig + \LU{0}{{\mathbf{p}}}\cRef\)
    global 3D position vector of node; \({\mathbf{u}}\cRef=0\)
  • Displacement: \(\LU{0}{{\mathbf{u}}}\cConfig = [q_0,\,q_1,\,0]\cConfig\tp\)
    global 3D displacement vector of node
  • Velocity: \(\LU{0}{{\mathbf{v}}}\cConfig = [\dot q_0,\,\dot q_1,\,0]\cConfig\tp\)
    global 3D velocity vector of node
  • Acceleration: \(\LU{0}{{\mathbf{a}}}\cConfig = [\ddot q_0,\,\ddot q_1,\,0]\cConfig\tp\)
    global 3D acceleration vector of node
  • AngularVelocity: \(\LU{0}{\tomega}\cConfig = \LU{0}{[0,\,0,\,\dot \psi_0]}\cConfig\tp\)
    global 3D angular velocity vector of node
  • Coordinates: \({\mathbf{c}}\cConfig = [q_0,\,q_1,\,\psi_0]\tp\cConfig\)
    coordinate vector of node, having 2 displacement coordinates and 1 angle
  • Coordinates\_t: \(\dot{\mathbf{c}}\cConfig = [\dot q_0,\,\dot q_1,\,\dot \psi_0]\tp\cConfig\)
    velocity coordinates vector of node
  • Coordinates\_tt: \(\ddot{\mathbf{c}}\cConfig = [\ddot q_0,\,\ddot q_1,\,\ddot \psi_0]\tp\cConfig\)
    acceleration coordinates vector of node
  • RotationMatrix: \([A_{00},\,A_{01},\,A_{02},\,A_{10},\,\ldots,\,A_{21},\,A_{22}]\cConfig\tp\)
    vector with 9 components of the rotation matrix \(\LU{0b}{\Rot}\cConfig\) in row-major format, in any configuration; the rotation matrix transforms local (\(b\)) to global (0) coordinates
  • Rotation: \([0,\,0,\,\theta_0]\tp\cConfig = [0,\,0,\,\psi_0]\tp\cRef + [0,\,0,\,\psi_0]\tp\cConfig\)
    vector with 3rd angle around out of plane axis
  • AngularVelocityLocal: \(\LU{b}{\tomega}\cConfig = \LU{b}{[0,\,0,\,\dot \psi_0]}\cConfig\tp\)
    local (body-fixed) 3D angular velocity vector of node
  • AngularAcceleration: \(\LU{0}{\talpha}\cConfig = \LU{0}{[0,\,0,\,\ddot \psi_0]}\cConfig\tp\)
    global 3D angular acceleration vector of node

Detailed information: The node provides 2 displacement coordinates (displacement of COM, (\(q_0,q_1\)) ) and 1 rotation parameter (\(\theta_0\)). According equations need to be provided by an according object (e.g., RigidBody2D). The node leads to 3 ODE2 equations of motions, where the first 2 equations are residuals of global translational forces, and the third equation is the residual of the torque around the Z-axis (due to planar motion, local=global).

Using the rotation parameter \(\theta_{0\mathrm{config}} = \psi_{0ref} + \psi_{0\mathrm{config}}\), the rotation matrix is defined as

\[\LU{0b}{\Rot}\cConfig = \mr{\cos(\theta_0)}{-\sin(\theta_0)}{0}{\sin(\theta_0)}{\cos(\theta_0)}{0}{0}{0}{1}\cConfig\]

Example for NodeRigidBody2D: see ObjectRigidBody2D

Relevant Examples and TestModels with weblink:

The web version may not be complete. For details, consider also the Exudyn PDF documentation : theDoc.pdf