
A node containing a number of data (history) variables; use e.g. for contact (active set), friction or plasticity (history variable).

Additional information for NodeGenericData:

  • This Node has/provides the following types = GenericData

The item NodeGenericData with type = ‘GenericData’ has the following parameters:

  • name [type = String, default = ‘’]:
    node’s unique name
  • initialCoordinates [\({\mathbf{x}}\cIni = [x_0,\,\ldots,\,x_{n_c}]\tp\cIni\), type = Vector, default = []]:
    initial data coordinates
  • numberOfDataCoordinates [\(n_c\), type = UInt, default = 0]:
    number of generic data coordinates (history variables)
  • visualization [type = VNodeGenericData]:
    parameters for visualization of item

The item VNodeGenericData has the following parameters:

  • show [type = Bool, default = False]:
    set true, if item is shown in visualization and false if it is not shown

DESCRIPTION of NodeGenericData

The following output variables are available as OutputVariableType in sensors, Get…Output() and other functions:

  • Coordinates: \({\mathbf{x}}\cConfig = [x_0,\,\ldots,\,x_{nc}]\tp\cConfig\)
    data coordinates (history variables) vector of node

Relevant Examples and TestModels with weblink:

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